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5 activities to reduce children's screen time

Updated: Apr 5

Is your child glued to your smartphone or tabs? Do they spend most of their free time watching videos or playing games on their phone? Has their interest in studies gone down? Do they rush through their homework or study time to make time for their smartphone viewing? Do they get angry or frustrated when you take away the devices? If your answer was a yes to all these questions, then it is high time that you take action. These habits change into addictions over time. So here are 5 activities to reduce screen time.

daughter helping mother in kitchen

1. Involve them in cooking: Once they are back from school, involve them in making their snacks. Allow them to cut fruits and vegetables into different shapes. Allow them to decorate their dish with sauce or garnishes. Let them try their hand at mixing batter and kneading dough. It will also help parents to get some quality time with their kids. Enquire about their day in between. Appreciate them when they are doing a good job. If something goes wrong, take a deep breath, my dear parents, as it is all bound to happen. Let them learn through their mistakes. Scolding or punishing is not going to help. It might result in hatred towards such activities.

children playing outside

2. Encourage outdoor games: Once they freshen up and have their snacks, let them go out and play. Playing outside improves stamina. It helps in building immunity against diseases. Football, cricket, badminton, cycling, or even skipping will do. Join them if you can. A little sunshine every day can do wonders for our bodies. Let us keep the PCOS and PCOD symptoms and obesity at bay. Discuss with them about the latest sports news or movies. Studies should not be the only thing that you enquire about.

mother reading book with daughter

3. Reading storybooks: Some children love to read. But not all of them. For such children, try reading them their favorite stories. Show them important news or photos in the newspaper and encourage them to read it. Parents should restrict the usage of smartphones in front of their children. Children watch and learn from their parents. So be the right example for them.

girls painting

4. Art and crafts: Gift them drawing books, colors, and paints. Encourage your child to draw and paint. Give some coloring books or printouts to color. Appreciate when they are doing a good job. It helps to improve their imagination. You can find a lot of videos on YouTube regarding papercrats. Learn some and try to create them along with your child.

child playing scrabble

5. Investing in some board games such as Scrabble or chess can be a great way to engage with your children. Scrabble can help improve vocabulary, while games like UNO can improve memory. Along with playing games, you can also encourage your children to solve puzzles, crosswords, and riddles, which can be a fun and engaging way to enhance their cognitive skills. It's important to remember that you may not always win, but it's important to maintain a sportsman spirit. Sometimes, it's also okay to let your children win to show them the importance of good sportsmanship and how to handle losing gracefully. Remember, you can always try again!

Children crave quality time with their parents. When they don't receive the desired attention, they often turn to smartphones and tablets to fill the void. However, as parents, we have the power to change this narrative. By making a conscious attempt to limit screen time, we can help our children break free from the clutches of screen addiction. It's never too late to start. Our children are the source of our joy and their well-being should be our top priority. Let us nurture and embrace them with love, for love alone has the power to conquer all obstacles. Remember, a happy and healthy child is a reflection of good parenting.


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